Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Lauren from Sweetie PieLo YouTube Channel Testimonial

From Lauren
My journey of, shall we say, “Enlightenment” began the day the kids were found in Chad
Daybell’s yard. I had come across Donna’s psychic reading of the kids back in April or
May 2020. It was so disturbing to me I had to turn it off. I couldn’t picture those kids
could be killed by their own mother, let alone in such a nightmarish grizzly way.
Her video was frightening that I turned it off, but I had made it far enough in the video
to know the important things about the yard, Tylee’s death & dismemberment, etc. June
09th, 2020, I saw a live feed of the authorities at Daybell’s yard. My husband was saying,
“They’re going to find bodies there” I said, “What? Really you think so??” And sure
enough, news had broken that a relative had received a phone call from a victim
advocate, and they had indeed found human remains. As the day progressed, we learned
that Tylee’s body was dealt with in an egregious way, etc. That night I remember
thinking back to Donna’s videos going, OMG, everything she said is what I saw in that
yard. In a hurry, I searched and found her video reading.
It picked up right where I had left off. My jaw was on the floor. For days I couldn’t stop
talking about it.
Then when the probable cause affidavit came out about ten or so days after the kids
were found, I remember reading through it and knowing I needed to start informing
people of Donna. This was the biggest news that no YouTube creators were even
addressing. It was shocking to think that she could see that accurate and not even a
mention of her from any of the YouTube creators who influenced and power to inform
the masses.
I knew that had to change. Not only had she hugely earned my respect, but she also
earned all our listening ears as being a resource for the missing.
That’s what began my journey on YouTube. It was to tell people about how Donna nailed
this case and to compare what she had seen in her readings to what was disclosed in the
probable cause affidavit.
I’m forever grateful to Donna for turning me from skeptic to believer. She shifted my
thinking and belief system in many ways. I never imagined I would be waiting with
bated breath for Donna to do readings on missing person cases, but I do now. She is all
we have when it comes to better understanding the details of these murder cases. She
also gives people closure about their loved ones’ death. She does so so much to help
people. It is just incredible! She is an asset and has forever proven herself, in my
opinion. We are all here because our minds have been blown.

NOTE: This is one of many videos that Lauren has made on this case. In addition on her you tube channel she has many of my original readings


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