Friday, June 28, 2024

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BBC and BBC3 Losing Market Share to Social Media Creators and BBC Commits Proveable Fraud in Smear Campaign

The Fear of Mainstream Media Losing Market Share to Social Media Creators

The landscape of media consumption has drastically changed over the past decade, with the rise of social media platforms and the decline of traditional mainstream media outlets. This shift has created a sense of fear and panic among the established media giants, including the BBC. The fear stems from the fact that social media creators now have a larger audience than many big-budget productions, posing a threat to the market share of mainstream media.

Unveiling the Dark Side of BBC

Recent allegations have surfaced, accusing the BBC of engaging in fraudulent activities, child abuse, and manipulation. While these claims may seem shocking, it is essential to approach them with caution and skepticism, as sensationalism can often cloud the truth. However, it is crucial to address any legitimate concerns and hold media organizations accountable for their actions.

The Creation of False Stories and Manipulation

One of the most troubling accusations against the BBC is the creation of false stories and manipulation by contracted journalists. These allegations suggest that the BBC has violated journalistic ethics and integrity by distorting facts and misrepresenting individuals involved in their reports. Such actions not only undermine the credibility of the BBC but also have severe consequences for the individuals affected by these false narratives.

It is disheartening to hear accounts of individuals who have been victimized by mainstream media, revictimized through twisted facts and fictional narratives. This kind of behavior not only damages the reputation of the media organization but also causes harm to the individuals involved. It is essential to distinguish between responsible journalism and the exploitation of individuals for the sake of sensationalism.

The Impact of Social Media Creators

The rise of social media creators has disrupted the traditional media landscape, challenging the dominance of mainstream media outlets. These creators have amassed large audiences and have become trusted sources of information and entertainment for millions of people. This shift in power has left mainstream media outlets scrambling to maintain their relevance and market share.

Representatives of a production company  working for the BBC and BBC3 contacted me in June of 2023 and asked if they could interview me for a documentary, to which I agreed.  They lied.  in fact, their final product is provable fraud, lies and media manipulation to create a piece that never existed in reality for the sole purpose of defamation of character.  This is an open call for an attorney who would like to sue.

The BBC contract company, “Summer” had the original upload for their documentary.  In their final product, which they distributed through BBC3, they used many clips by a variety of social media creators.  For me, they knew that certain graphic parts of my reading had been deleted and/or silenced so that the graphic parts could not be heard on the final upload.  I believe it was Tomasz, who contacted me stating that the sound department wanted the original audio for quality purposes.  We had a discourse, about the need to make sure the graphic parts which had been deleted from the upload were not included.  

What this production team, including “journalist” Zara McDermott did was to go straight to the portions that were too graphic for social media and they spliced those together with my into video.  They then filmed themselves looking at a laptop with a business owner in Idaho, while ridiculing me for “putting that on the internet”.  It was never put on the internet.  Zara McDermott and those she was working with gave the false and fraudulent impression based on lies and crafty editing.  They pretended they were watching my youtube channel.  They then ridiculed me.

Scene cuts to Zara spreading her legs on a hotel room bed while she says with disgust, “people like this would not normally have a platform”.  For all the pretense of legitimacy, BBC, BBC3, and Zara McDermott, as well as Summertime Media and it’s actors have literally created a caricature of themselves as they commit fraud, lie, in order to paint social media creators in a negative light.  It is definately a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

They also doxxed me, which is to show the front of my house, with my address, thereby putting my life and safety at risk, even while agreeing to by email and phone recordings (which I have) or both. I will be putting up a more detailed proof of their fraud later.

It is my opinion that this entire group of people is not worth the air they breathe.  They are the worst of human kind, soulless sociopathic liars who literally should not be on this earth.

In fact, at the time of my reading, this was one more case with no evidence, with no leads, and with law enforcement asking for public help.  All cases I work on are at the request of law enforcement, family, or friends, and are cases where the normal route of Le following physical leads is not there. That is where my work can come in and help, with the information I am capable of gathering.

This group of people had an opportunity to actually show the world something valuable and important, but instead decided to literally cut and splice something never uploaded to social media in order to make an exploitive, sensationalistic documentary, a day late and a dollar short.  All these people must be held to account, and I do plan on suing.

The Need for Accountability and Transparency

In light of the allegations against the BBC and other media organizations, there is a pressing need for accountability and transparency. Media outlets must uphold the highest standards of journalism, ensuring that their reporting is accurate, fair, and unbiased. Additionally, there should be mechanisms in place to address any grievances or concerns raised by individuals who feel misrepresented or victimized by the media.

As viewers, we also have a responsibility to hold media organizations accountable for their actions. By questioning the integrity of reporting and speaking out against unethical practices, we can contribute to a more transparent and trustworthy media landscape. It is crucial to support responsible journalism and promote a healthy media ecosystem that benefits society as a whole.

In conclusion, the fear of mainstream media losing market share to social media creators has led to a climate of panic and desperation. While it is essential to critically evaluate the actions of media organizations, it is equally important to approach allegations with skepticism and verify information from reliable sources. By striving for accountability, transparency, and responsible journalism, we can navigate the evolving media landscape and ensure that the truth prevails.

This is the video reading in question, put up the week after the grisly murders of Kaylee Goncalves, Maddie Mogan, Ethan Chapin, and Xana Kernodle in Moscow, Idaho.  Notice while listening that you can hear in multiple places where words have been silenced, and / or cut out.  I am sure that you tube has a history of all editing, which was done at the time of upload, and this history can be used in court.

Version uploaded to YouTube on 11/22/22 for the purpose of providing leads to any and all Le and Investigators attempting to solve this crime.


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