Sunday, June 30, 2024

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Skeptic Turned Believer Testimonial by LaDema Fowler

From: LaDema Fowler

I became aware of Reverend Donna Seraphina as a psychic medium by the readings she
did for the case of Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow I believe thru my Facebook.
I had had one experience where it was shown to me without a doubt that we continue on
in spirit after our body stops living and that is what drew me to follow her and hire her
myself for my own reading.
Donna has proven to so many that we live on after death in such a profound way by
sharing her readings of these innocent children’s deaths through contact with Tylee in
spirit that there can be no doubt in any sane mind that there is life after death.
I believed most my life that when we die it’s all over. That there is no consciousness no
emotion, no memory of who we were, just darkness like the light goes out. Tylee touched
Donna so deeply and with such a need to get the truth out that Donna suffered in many
ways then and now all telling in her voice when you listen to the readings. I was a
believer in ghosts but not in the afterlife completely until Donna.
thru her hard work and devotion to the spirit world and the determination from Tylee
and Donnas daughter Nicole who are in spirit to communicate with Donna that has
changed my way of thinking about my own death when it comes. I am free of the fear of
death thanks to Reverend Donna Seraphina.


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