Thursday, July 4, 2024

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A Remarkable Encounter with Spirit Energy

On the day after my daughter Nicole’s 5th birthday in the spirit world, I wanted to make it a special day of remembrance and honor for her. I bought flowers, a card, and three balloons – one mylar balloon and two pink latex balloons. As the sun began to set, I had an idea. I asked Nicole out loud if she wanted me to write a note to her and send it up in a balloon. With a little sticky note in hand, I expressed my love for her and released the balloon into the air.

The next morning, as I sat down at my computer to check my email, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see the pink balloon slowly descending next to me, as if guided by an unseen force. It felt as though the energy of spirit was present. The balloon then moved horizontally into my hallway, waiting for me just inside the entrance.

Intrigued, I followed the balloon as it floated down the hallway at a height of about five feet. It made a left turn and entered the room where I often do readings and hold mediumship circles. The balloon hovered in the center of the room, motionless. It was at this moment that I felt a strong urge to film the experience with my cellphone. The balloon patiently waited as I retrieved my phone.

As I began filming, the balloon remained in place, hovering approximately three inches from a bouquet of roses. I could feel an intense angelic energy flowing through my body, a magnetic and indescribable sensation. It was a beautiful and wonderful energy, a glimpse into the incredible realm of the spirit world. In that moment, I experienced pure joy, the happiest I had been since Nicole’s passing.

Days later, as I reflected on this extraordinary encounter, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the connection I had experienced with my daughter’s spirit. It was a reminder that love transcends physical boundaries and that our loved ones are always with us, guiding us from the realm beyond.

The video footage I captured serves as a testament to this incredible experience. It is a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary moments in life are the ones that are difficult to believe unless witnessed firsthand.


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